Posts tagged love
Thank you, Elvis

This week in California is hard. The air is terrible. The loss of lives and property is devastating. I am intentionally looking for the beautiful stories that are rising from the ashes. The stories of heroism and generosity. I am waiting to hear the plan so we can prevent this from happening again. I am hopeful and heartbroken, but you can choose to be both.

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I'm calling a LOVE in for February

Hurrah for February 1st. The sun is shining in Sacramento today which I am taking as a good sign for the entire month. I am not sad to let January go. I was hoping for an easier, healthier and happier first month of 2018 and I found it to be really hard. I know I am not alone. I have heard from several family and friends that this winter has really kicked a lot of people in the teeth. I am done with the YUCK. I'm talking about sickness, stress, anxiety, pain, financial hardship, bad decisions, lack of motivation, depression and more. I AM TELLING YOU that this month is POWERED by LOVE! 

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I want to EAT up all the tiny moments that make each day so beautiful. I want to pause and stop myself from complaining when I have SO MUCH joy to celebrate. I want to remember Casey's amazing hair in the morning and Erik's sleepy eyes. I want to enjoy the frantic kisses that Dottie gives me when she is let out of her enclosure. I want to appreciate how slow Curly walks giving me time to greet my neighbors. I don't want to take for granted the coffee that is placed by my bedside every morning from sweet Pedar. I want to look around and be grateful for every project we've finished in our fixer-upper. I don't want to dread going to work, I will choose to be excited about the opportunities and challenges it provides to help me grow in my skills and communication.

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