I hope you felt loved this weekend. I went to bed last night feeling happy and I wanted to double clap my hands and pause time so I could enjoy it more. Pedar and I had a date night at our neighbors 50th Kentucky Derby party on Saturday. We got gussied up and danced the night away.
On Mother's Day morning, Pedar brought me coffee in bed and then I went to the nursery by myself (Ahhh so nice!) to shop for two garden beds that really need a hug. On my way I stopped by my Mom's to wish her a Happy Mother's Day.
I wasn't going to see her later in the day at the hike we planned, so I had to get a quick hug in! While I was gone, Pedar prepared the garden bed so we could easily plant our new pretty friends. I've learned a lot these past years with our huge yards. The one good habit I do now is only buy as many plants as we can put in the ground that day. Our soil is mostly clay, very dry and has a lot of rocks, so it takes awhile to dig holes and if you don't have the irrigation ready, my new green friends tend to die rather quickly. I've killed many a plant by not being ready for it!
Pedar worked SO hard preparing the soil for the new plants. He always shows me he loves me with acts of service. If I have an idea for a project that needs some muscle, he is always there for me. He always helps me and I love him for it! Pedar leads with YES!
Right after lunch we went for a hike near Bannister Park with my sister Bridget, Chuck, Liam, Lila, Karen and Jim. We hiked all around and had a great time chatting and exploring and the kids loved being together. After our hike we stopped at Baskin Robbins for a treat.
When we got home from the hike Pedar finished planting our new plants! The rest of this area near the house will be decomposed granite, but we wanted a small flower bed near the garage wall for some color. It will be so lovely! I also planted a few rice flower plants around the outdoor fireplace patio. Donating the play-set, taking out the dead tree and creating a garden area has really transformed the backyard! I love adding new color and energy to our space. It is starting to feel like our yard now and not just the mess that the house came with!!
I hope everyone has a great week! Erik and I are spending the night at the Zoo on Thursday with the three first grade classes. Should be an adventure!