Wonderful weekend
This Friday was Open House at Mission Avenue and it was fantastic. The weather was absolutely crazy. It made the evening even more fun.
Casey has been learning guitar since September and is loving it!
We are so grateful to Mr. Martin for helping Casey find this fantastic new passion. Hearing him play is so great.
I loved this artwork Erik made. Elephante is a little stuffed toy he has loved since he was very small. So sweet.
On Saturday we hosted a small gathering after Rita's baptism. We met Art's Mom, Verute from Lithuania. While we were hanging out at the house it started to hail! The kids thought it was so awesome. After everyone went home we worked in the yard a bit and then went bowling!
On Sunday we went on a beautiful bike ride. We parked at the fish hatchery and rode to Sunflower. We met Kealii and Kekoa for lunch. After lunch we hiked a bit and then rode back.
Later that evening we celebrated Mor Mor's Birthday with a delicious BBQ and cake.
The kids are off this week. We are taking two days off to spend some time. I am hoping for sunshine on Easter. It isn't looking dry and I have a lot of people coming over. Oh well! Soggy fun is still fun!
Hope you make time to snuggle this week. It helps so much.