I speak for the trees
Our new redbud tree. She doesn’t look like much now, but just give her a bit of time.
Three-year-old white crape myrtle trees!
We planted eight trees recently and I am so excited to watch them grow! At our old house we planted six trees and two smoke bushes. In this house, we have now planted 13 trees and three smoke bushes. I cannot confirm or deny that I am done planting.
In the backyard, we planted a gingko biloba tree, a red maple to try and help shade the patio by the pool and five Natchez white crape myrtle’s along the fence line. We planted five Myrtle’s three years ago and they are finally looking like trees, and not little twigs. I purchased all 8 trees from Green Acres. When you spend a crazy amount of money at Green Acres, they will deliver for free!! There is nothing that makes a yard special and intimate like a tree. Our huge yards could use all the intimacy and specialness they can get!!
Seven new trees in the backyard! The red maple is closest to the pool fence because we are hoping it will eventually shade a bit of the paver patio that gets so darn hot. The gingko is really just because we love it. I may add two more next fall.
We have a sycamore in our backyard that we will be taking out this spring. I had the sycamore and the walnut trimmed this year and I regret not taking out the sycamore at that time. Oh well. You live and learn. I keep learning through all my failing!! WOOT WOOT! We are hoping the walnut hangs in there. Yeah, its messy, but only old people complain about messy trees - wink wink! We have three sycamore trees in the front yard, boy do I know about cleaning.
So now, we just need to make sure the trees have water and are fertilized twice a year! They will grow tall and strong and give us way more than we will ever give to them! I love trees!
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”