Happy Birthday, Pedar
I love August 25th! I love celebrating Pedar because he is AWESOME. I bought him tickets to see Tom Petty tonight! His music reminds me of when we met in 1996 and would listen to his album on our drives to go hiking. Just look at how precious Pedar was when he was little! Thank you Karen for these pictures.
Pedar is my man. I knew I loved him very early on and my love just grows bigger with every passing day and with every cup of coffee he brings me in bed. He is a wonderful husband, father, brother, son, friend, neighbor, cousin and co-worker. He is a friend to anyone who needs one. He IS all love. His heart is SO big. I love him and I am lucky to be loved by him. I am lucky to parent with him. I love working on home and gardening projects with him. I love just sitting next to him. I am so grateful for you, Pedar.
Thank you, Pedar, for being everything we need. You continue to make my dreams come true. Happy Birthday, my love.