Annual Norwegian Christmas party
This Sunday we hosted the annual Remme family Norwegian Christmas party. We are so grateful to Karen, Dagny, Lisa, Dawn, Deanna, Alicia, Janet and Hjordes for their help. Everyone brought food and lent tables and chairs. Ron led a beautiful prayer before dinner. The traditional party foods of lefse, lutefisk and ham was available for all to enjoy. We played the White Elephant game and sang Christmas carols. Nisse couldn't drop by this year, their was a storm on the way, but he dropped some gifts off on the porch for the kids. Pedar put together a slide show of over 800 pictures from previous Remme Christmas parties. Another great party is now in the books and we are already looking forward to next year.

Soul FoodNora Brucecarols, family, laugh, lefse, lutefisk, nisse, norwegian traditions, remme christmas party, viking, white elephantComment