15 minutes
I have this 15 minute habit I learned from flylady where I go around the house and pick up stuff and de-clutter for 15 minutes a day. Most times it leads to a bit more cleaning, but when done everyday, my space doesn't get so overwhelmingly dirty that I have to spend hours on the weekend. I have decided to try this practice on other areas of my life that need attention. Like exercise. I am trying to lift weights and do some kind of heart pumping movement for 15 minutes a day. Most times, like cleaning, it leads to a little bit more, and before I know it, I got a pretty good workout in!!
I tried this 15-minute trick at work yesterday on a project I wasn't looking forward to starting. I set the timer for 15 minutes on my phone and away I went, struggling with learning templates in mailchimp. I was on a roll when the 15 minutes were up, so I kept on for a little bit and was able to email a newsletter draft to a colleague.
I then jumped to our Will documents that I just can't seem to complete. We've already put money towards this and I want to finish it. Last year when Pedar and I flew to Maryland together we realized we really needed something in writing that would let someone know what we hope can happen for the boys. I hate creating this document. I hate the idea of needing this document, but it needs to be done. So I put 15 minutes towards the document and sent it to Pedar to finish. I think we are close to putting this puppy to bed.
Landscaping 101. I have a passion for making yards more enjoyable. I want to teach myself how to create landscape plans. I want to learn how to propose a plan and a budget for making over yards. I am going to spend 15 minutes researching and reading and learning as many times a week as I can. I am going to jump into some projects and learn as I go.
This 15 minute rule applies for things I love to do and dread doing. I can do anything for 15 minutes!
Let's do this!!!