Nora Bruce

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Please support Mission Avenue's Apex Fun Run!

The Apex program teaches leadership and fitness to students who are raising pledges for the Fun Run. This year's character theme is Apex Legends, where students will follow Tikes, Seeds, Specs, Jazz, and Wheels through the pages of their legendary adventure to discover JJ Cortez’s hidden treasure. Along the way these five friends discover what it truly means to be a Legendary leader:

  • Learn – Every moment is an opportunity to learn
  • Engage – Get involved and keep your focus on what’s important
  • Give – Always be looking to give your treasures, talents, and time
  • Empower – Use your words to encourage and lift people up
  • Never Quit – Times get tough but leaders never quit
  • Do – Just do it! Go out and be the best you can be

Mission Avenue students are raising pledges for the laps they run (between 26 and 36, 36-lap max).  Each lap is 1/16th of a mile.  For instance, $1 per lap means $30 dollars total pledged if the student runs 30 laps.  Our school has a goal of reaching $3 per lap for each student, or $90 simple donations. The majority of the funds raised this year will pay for teacher support and technology upgrades.  However, the school has promised that an additional 10% of whatever we raise in each class goes directly to that teacher to use in their own classroom.


Please make a pledge for Casey and Erik. Thank you!

Link to pledge Casey:

Link to pledge Erik:
